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Complete the form below to submit your job
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Company Details
Your name *
Company Name
Address *
Suburb *
Postcode *
State *
ABN Number
Phone *
Email *
Project Details
Job Name *
Type of Job
Description *
Installation Address
Site Contact
Contact Numbers
Anticipated Start Time *
Anticipated Budget *
Special Conditions
If you have any digital files you would like to show us to help us assess your job please upload them here. Please make sure they are a JPG, GIF, PDF, DOC, CAD or Powerpoint file and no larger than 1 megabyte.

Please include any additional notes you believe important here about the image you have uploaded.

Do you have ADSL?* Yes No

Online Project Management

At ASAP Electrical we are focused on providing our clients with the best possible service.

One feature we have developed is an online project form.

By simply completing the form below all your information is sent to our head office where a consultant will contact you to discuss your project and to provide you with a suitable quotation.

Using your client log in you will be able to:

  • Download copies of all documentation concerning your projects;
  • Create new jobs;
  • Keep up to date with the status of your account;
  • Accept or decline new quotations;
  • Make online or offline payments

We are developing this login area to help you receive a high quality service from us. If you have any suggestions on what we could do to improve our service or s hould you have any difficulties with this process please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance.

We are a progressive company and want to make your experience with us as efficient as possible.
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